Seven year old Brayden Grozdanich from British Columbia has cerebral palsy and has to walk with a brace. Brayden’s parents recently found out about a surgery that could help him walk without one. But the surgery cost $20,000, plus they'd have to travel to New Jersey for it.  They just didn’t have the money.


Even though he too is only 7 years old, Quinn Callander, one of Brayden's classmates offered to help.


Quinn told his parents he wanted to start a lemonade stand to raise money.


Quinn and Brayden/
Quinn and Brayden/


Now Quinn’s  parents knew he could never raise 20 thousand dollars with a lemonade stand, but they let him to do it.


And then entire community got involved, including the local fire department where Brayden's dad works.


Still, Quinn's mom knew they had to do more so she started a webpage on the site, and shared it on Facebook.


People from all over the world have now donated over $50,000.


Brayden is scheduled to have the surgery next month.


Way to Go Quinn!!!!!



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