The Songs Of Summer returns...And we are back with the second installment of our look at songs that, in just a few notes.  bring back very vivid memories of summer's past. With the small asterisk of this being totally about me and the songs that drop DAVE into the WAY WAY BACK.

The concept is quite serious – it's about everybody wanting power, about warfare and the misery it causes.
mercury records
mercury records

See, back in the summer of 1985, I had graduated high school and was completely adrift. I had no power, no plan, no anything. Much to the aggravation of those around me. In those days, when you and an album found each other, when the music and whoever you were at that moment chimed in some of kind of weird harmony, man, you lived with that album, until you or the record wore out. And the one thing I did have during that lost summer was this band, this album and this song.

It was even in my head the moment I graduated.

mercury records
mercury records

When I hear it, I picture the Texas heat, and empty roads and me tooling around with no purpose in the giant blue car my parents had scrounged up for me, just feeling lost, not knowing where the hell my life was supposed to go. Which, oddly enough, looks alot like what goes on in the video.

I eventually did figure some sort of direction out. Though I lacked the ambition to wanna rule the world. And, ha ha ha, I'm still in the same town.


All that said, here is your K-1017 Song Of The Day.


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