Put a groovy feature on a consumer electronics product and I feel an insatiable urge to buy it. Evolving gadgets are awesome. It just so happened a couple of weeks ago I needed a washing machine for my new apartment, so when I saw this commercial, something stirred:

I don't even have kids. I'm not a way-too-attractive Hollywood star. Damn if I don't even have a real use for the sink on this Samsung(R) washer.

None of that matters. I had to have it and I got it. Boy am I glad I did!

Ever spell marinara sauce on a white shirt? I was able to rid my fave LSU shirt from a stain so fast, I couldn't even think of the word bleach.

Don't take my word for it, here's a mom who uses it:

Boom! Now if I can only get an internet fridge to go along with it, I'd be really hi-tech.

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