The question was posed in the hallway just the other day.

"What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory?"

That's a tough question. My family celebrates the holidays around my Mothers side of the family. My Mom has 4 sisters so each one would get a holiday to host. My Mom had Thanksgiving. So every year the whole family would come to our house. I'd have to give up my bedroom to whomever. I wouldn't get a moments piece. I would be forced to watch the "Wizard of Oz" on the T.V. Once I got my license I was forced to take all the cousins bowling. So it shouldn't t really come as a surprise that none of those years made the "good" list.

My favorite Thanksgiving came while I was in the Army, stationed in Germany. A few friends and I took a bus tour that went to England, Holland, & Belgium.  We were in Brussels on Thanksgiving. We got off the bus and started walking around, seeing the sights. When it came to find something to eat for Thanksgiving Dinner, we ended up getting some Waffles at a stand. Yep, we had Belgium Waffles in Belgium. Talk about perfect.

An extra $400 dollars might make this your favorite Thanksgiving. All you have to do enter.


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