
The Funniest Commercial Ever!
The Funniest Commercial Ever!
The Funniest Commercial Ever!
You know how that ad on the Youtubes and other internet outlets will roll for five seconds before that SKIP AD button pops up in the corner? It's called a pre-roll. Now ad companies are playing around with this concept, and the result is amazing.
Geico Causes Trouble
Geico Causes Trouble
Geico Causes Trouble
Hey Der, Gotta admit.  Love the Geico "Hump Day" commercial.  I find myself walking up and down the halls at work asking people "what day is it?".  At first it was fun, then it became irritating.  Which in turn, became fun.  Well, if you find something irritating, and you have power, you can "Stiffel it Edith".  Saying "Hump Day" is kind of juvenile, so it's