Hey Der,

Well, today was a big day for some strays from New York.

They formed in 1980 and were finding some success in New York with gigs at CBGS's and Max's Kansas City, but then they heard about a growing sub culture over in England.  The sub culture was called Teddy Boy.  It originally hit in the 50's, and since the Stray Cats sound was based from the sound of Sun Records in the 50's, they took a chance and moved to England.

Soon they were being courted by record company's, and members of super groups were coming to their shows.  Dave Edmonds offered to help with their record and soon the hits started to flow, as so did they, back to America.

It was on this day in 1982 that their album "Built for Speed" was certified Gold.  A month later, it went Platinum.  It featured the hits "Stray Cat Strut" and "Rock This Town".

They broke up in 1984 and then got back together for a European Tour in 2004.  Brian Setzer was not done.  Since he brought rock-i-belly to the forefront, he decided to do the same thing for Swing in the 90s and hit the charts big again with "The Brian Setzer Orchestra".


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