I could totally be accused of overdoing the David Bowie tributes. It's an accusation I welcome!

You could say he was the musical equivalent of the architect Howard Roark in The Fountainhead: we should be honoring the creative artist for the highest achievements of mankind, inspiring others not to simply follow trends but to be true to one's own vision.


Bowie we didn't just throw the rules out ; that's easy to,do. He knew when to go wild and when to be classically cool. He knew what worked for him.

Speaking of classically cool,  words like that describe Johnny Carson in a nutshell. Although Bowie is a bit of a clash with the old showbiz rat pack-esque vibe, you could tell the understated, back-to-basics 80s were felt by David. He looks like a member of Danny Zuko's gang here, but tasteful enough for the middle-aged Midwesterners who went to bed with Johnny on the TV each night.

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