Election Day is Here!  Walk, run, or drive to your polling place and fill out your ballot!

We're picking a governor here!  Oh and take some ID, because Texas has that new Voter ID law that is being enforced this election.

Don't know where to vote?  Check your local paper or go right here.  Polls are open from 7 am-7 pm.


Some of you have propositions on your local ballots, and don't forget there is a Texas Constitutional Amendment about highway funding on the ballot.  I voted early and I think I missed that!

Oops. Don't be a Julia!


Just for grins watch this Funny or Die Video about a new game show called the Vote Off!




Okay, you've had your laugh for the day. If you haven't already done it yet, get out and vote. If you have done it already, Congratulations wear your "I Voted" sticker proudly!






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