I always wish the first single I ever bought with my own money was cool. It wasn't. Not really. *sigh*


Oh God. Listen, I bought a lot of cool stuff afterward, okay? I mean, yeah, the first albums I bought after this were Wet by Barbra Streisand  and that one by The Bee Gees that had that one song on it. Better stuff followed...eventually.

Hi. I'm Glen. Doesn't this face scream ROCK AND ROLL!?!
Hi. I'm Glen. Doesn't this face scream ROCK AND ROLL!?!

Did I mention this is the number one champion in actual plays for an Australian band in the U.S. at FIVE MILLION PLAYS? So, I'm not alone here, right? And nothing says rock and roll like a coll trumpet solo. And a string section. And name checking Glen Miller.

Oh Lord.

I'm so ashamed right now.

P.S: No body has ever accused the band in question today of being kinky. Like, ever. Even when the lead singer grew a mustache. Oh God. So here is a healthy list of rock and roll's KINKIEST SONGS!

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