Oh, the spirited discussion we had trying to decide this one. Oh Goodness. What is the cheesiest, most embarrassing song of the 1980's?



Listen, I was there. okay, right down in the thick of it. Some have war zones, I had the six hour overnight shift on a pop station in 1988. With a two hour rotation on the hottest tunes, in six hours, you were hearing the same song three times. Oh lord, we had some doozies back then.

and this:

and who could forget:

and did I mention we were all walking the dinosaur?

Popular is what sells, as you can see by the over one million views on the preceding video, and we in the biz are slaves to popular taste, personal choice rarely factoring into what we play. Uh, did I mention 1988 was when we all went power ballad crazy?

And we let White Lion have a hit?

And all of the above, that was all in just one year. Spreading the net of cheese wider, we could include Starship:

Anything by Debbie Gibson:

You get the point. Okay. So. Song Of The Day. A song of extreme cheese, representing all that was the big wheel of brie that was the1980's. It was really hard. There were lots of fights. Here is what we have chosen:



From us who came up in the 80's, to the younger generations, we are truly TRULY sorry.

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