You know Rock Week had to end here, in a really really lowdown dive bar in Australia. The lead singer will be doing a song with a bagpipe solo a little later on, cos he is a bad bad boy. He won't live into the eighties. That doesn't matter right now. It's showtime. It's your K-101.7 Song Of The Day.


It's, in my opinion, one of the top all time rock and roll songs. Nasty deeds are done. Singer Bon Scott pours sleazy nasty trailer park Lothario brio all over every single syllable. The riff is a lightning bolt and, hey, it's got a good beat and you can dance to it. You know this song. You love this song. It was recorded in 1976 but didn't hit the U.S. until 1981. Kinda like the song was waiting till you hit high school, hiding in the bushes till you were of the proper mind set to receive it's busted glass in a parking lot charms.


Atco (Australia) 
Atco (Australia) 

According to the song's Wiki entry, "the term "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" is an homage to the cartoon Beany and Cecil, which guitarist and eternal schoolboy Angus Young watched when he was a child. One of the cartoon's characters was named Dishonest John, carrying card that read, "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. Holidays, Sundays and Special Rates.""

Grab that big black old school telephone and dial 369-Something-Something-Something, cos that guy in the song leads a life of crime though in real life the drummer tried to lead a life of crime allegedly trying to hire a guy to do some real dirty deeds and getting caught so he's not in the bad anymore.

It's Your K-101.7 Song Of The Day!

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