Oh, sure, you gotcher Gone With the Wind, your Star Wars, your Beaches...but we all know Dave In The Cave is a special...special case. You think his favorite film was something mature, something thought provoking? NAHHHHH,


Oh, not for Dave your drama or feelings or logic and stuff. His favorite movie has flying silver spheres of death, evil short people in Jawa robes, gunfire, motorcycles, graveyards, a hacked off finger bleeding yellow pudding that turns into a big stupid  giant fly, rampant bell bottoms and that's just the first thirty minutes.


Sure there's this subtext about loss and death and abandonment, but the eternal thirteen year old within only cares about a wacky tall mortician from another dimension stalking the halls of Morningside Mortuary and saying things like, "You think you got to heaven when you die. YOU COME TO US!" Also of interest, nudity right from the get, making out in a graveyard, an ice cream truck turned over in the middle of the road, the older brother with the feathered hair and the Rolling Stones shirt tossing around lines like "Maybe it was that retarded kid Timmy from up the street" in a reminder that this was made in the very un-p.c. days of 1977 and oh yeah, some really unsubtle references to Dune I didn't pick up on till years later. Also fortune telling, the best use of a curse word out of a kid's mouth ever and this:

Also the lead kid is thirteen, just like I was, and he uses a gun, a knife, tears through a graveyard on a motorbike and drive a black Semi-Cuda while his brother blows the roof of a pursuing hearse with a shotgun.

I watched this film years later with some slightly toasted friends and they went into mock mode the whole way through. Yeah, the film's way silly and it devolves into a splintered dream-like mess in it's later half, and four sequels, of varying quality and all unnecessary, have followed, but it's still, yes, my favorite film...of all time.


Speaking of things weird, mock-worthy and very very silly, check out our Oreo Cookie Challenge. It did get out of hand:

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