When I first started high school, people smoked in the bathroom. Most of the time it was the teachers, but still. This morning I had flashbacks.

Unlike today, when I was younger I went to the bathroom twice a day. Once when I got up, and then when I went to bed. My blatter was stronger than the hulk. Today, it's just angry.

When I did have to go in the middle of the day, thank you soda pop, I never new what to

When you fall into the toilet, fall on the flusher

expect at the boys bathroom. You'd hear rumors of which one to avoid (third floor), otherwise you might find yourself looking under the lip. When you fall into the toilet, fall on the flusher. Your face will thank you for it. Just a Big Q tip for you young kids out there.

On occasion you'd run into a few smokers.

Just a Big Q tip

They'd leave you alone, because they didn't want to waste a cig. God help you though if they got busted after you left. Their smoke addled brain would think that you narced on them, so, you'd best prepare for a beatin'.

Walked into the toilet today, and this is what I found.

Big Q Photos
Big Q Photos

Only question now is, who do I narc to?

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