Who is your favorite TV detective?  Do you go Old School like me and pick Mannix, or Detective Steve McGarrett from the first Hawaii 5-0?  (Remember how we just waited for him to say “Book Em Danno”?)



The "Huffington Post" has put together a so-called "Definitive Ranking of 29 Badass TV Show Detectives" . . . and two characters from HBO's "True Detective" are among the Top Three.  No, McGarrett was not there!

I tried watching that show, I know it’s getting all these accolades, but I’m sorry, it bored me to tears. (Well not tears but it steered me to play Candy Crush while I watched and soon I just gave up.)

I like The Soup's take on the show better.  It expresses my sentiments exactly.  WHAT THE BLEEP IS GOING ON?????

Anyway, here's the Huffington Post Top 10 and my comments after each one.

1.  Rust Cohle from "True Detective" (Is this one Woody or Matthew?)

2.  Olivia Benson from "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" (Sometimes I liked her- but she was just as wrong as Elliot most of the time…till the end of the episode)

3.  Marty Hart from "True Detective" (Boring!)

4.  Vic Mackey from the FX show "The Shield"- (He was a murdering Crook!)

5.  John Luther from the British show "Luther"- (I Love Luther)

6.  Elliot Stabler from "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" (He was always wrong till the end.)

7.  Jessica Fletcher from "Murder, She Wrote" (My sister loves her.)

8.  Peter Falk's Columbo  (I always wanted him to HURRY UP!)

9.  Mike Logan from "Law & Order" (Don’t even know which one he is).

10.  Kima Greggs from the HBO show "The Wire" (Yes Kima was good!

You can check out the other 19 here.  Yes, Magnum PI is there at number 24. Love that MUSTACHE! But what about Kojak, Ironside and those two from Dragnet, and two of my favorites, McMillian and Wife? Some youngsters must have made this list!

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