You've all heard it.  It's a catchy tune that sounds so innocent, but it's really about getting busy in the afternoon.  After all, "rubbin sticks and stones together make the sparks ignite, and the thought of rubbin you is getting so exciting."   Sounds innocent enough, but innocent in the 70's differs greatly than innocent in the Post AIDS world.  The band was discovered by John Denver, and here he is introducing the band on the Merv Griffen Show.


The Band hit it big with this one song, winning a couple of Grammy's and even hosting a variety show called "The Starland Vocal Band Show,".  Which did one other thing...It introduced David Letterman, as a cast regular and writer.  So the next time you see David on TV remember, he'd still be in Indiana if people did love love in the afternoon.

For those of you who are a little young to remember this, you might recognize this version.

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