A Kansas state representative has introduced a new bill that would allow grownups to spank kids harder and longer.  

Currently, Kansas state law allows teachers, caregivers and parents to spank children, as long as it is not hard enough to leave marks.


Kansas House member Gail Finney, a Democrat from Wichita, wants to change that.  Her bill would allow smacks that are hard enough to cause redness and bruising.  Grownups would have to stop at 10 hits, and you can only use your open hand.


All I can say is “What kinda crap is that?  A law that allows you to put bruises on your kid or somebody else’s? That is just CRAZY Talk!


Finney says the bill is designed to restore parental rights, by making it clear in the law what parents and caregivers can legally do when punishing children.


Kansas is one of a handful of states where corporal punishment is legal in schools.


What do you think about  this proposed law?  Would you let somebody beat your kid hard enough to leave marks?


I have never been a fan of whipping kids.  So I gotta give it a big Thumbs Down!


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