I've been losing my temper since the day I was born. I'm still learning to control it, but I'm thankful that the internet wasn't around when I was a kid because I'm sure I'd be a star in the worst way.

I feel that psychology classes should be a standard for everyone starting in Junior High. A person getting angry at another person is more about the first person, and not what the

psychology classes should be a standard for everyone starting in Junior High

second person did. It's the insecurities of the person that should be focused on, and not the actions that set off the tantrum. Of course the worst part is the bystanders. Idiots that root on the tantrum. Watching a kid yell and attack a bunch of cops should not be cheered on.

As a person who has gone off the deep end on occasion, when I finally calm down and analyze the  situation, I usually more angry at myself than the person, or situation, that ticked me off in the first place.

So when you feel yourself getting angry, do the hardest thing at the time and just stop. Ask yourself why you're getting angry. If you find that it's because of something you did, or want, take back control and relax. But then again, if you do self analyze and you find that its some other idiot, then kick his ass.

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