Well, looks like winter is coming to Texas.  It might be a good idea to stock up on a few things if you have to travel this weekend.  We could be in the path of ice and snow, so here's a few things you should have access to in your vehicle.

1 - A Blanket.  If you get stranded, you'll find out fast just how cold your car can get.

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2 - Hand Warmers.  You can get these at camping or sport stores.  If you find yourself with a flat tire, or if you have to tinker with your engine, these will come in handy to warm up the digits, unless you no longer want to count to 5 on one hand.  Or, if you plan on being a shop teacher.

3 - Flashlight.  I know, kind of obvious, but it's one Thing you don't want to be without.  Make sure you carry spare batteries for it as well.

4 - Matches.  Any source of heat is a good thing when you get stranded.

5 - Lightsticks.  Cheap dollar store item that can be used as a light source, or to signal for help.

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6 - Flares.  You should always have some of these in your vehicle to signal distress, and to keep the 18 wheelers from pancaking you on the highway.

7 - Rock Salt.  This is a good thing to have in case we do get the ice storm they expect.  Personally, I use it to get out of my car.  Being a big person, (fat), solid footing is very important.  Ever try to squeeze out of a car while standing on ice?  Do yourself a favor and just hit yourself in the head with hammer, it'll be less embarrassing than face planing yourself for all to see.

8 - Empty Coffee Can.  This would come in handy if you get trapped in snow.  You can fill up the can with snow, and melt it with a candle.

9 - A Candle.  See 8.

10 - Bottled Water and Energy Bars.  In case you don't drink Coffee.


Bottled Water
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