Happy Columbus Day!  Why?  You might ask.  He never discovered America like our teachers back in the day told us. But they probably didn't know the truth either. 


We know now a whole bunch of other people actually made it to North America, none of them was Columbus. That is why John Oliver last week asked the question: Columbus Day/ How is this Still a Thing?


Last year Jimmy Kimmel asked people on the streets to relate the story of Christopher Columbus.  Bottom line some people are stu....I mean ignorant of history.



By the way, Columbus also did not prove the world was round, the smart people already knew that, and it was published. Columbus also never found a short cut to Asia.

Where he did land, he kidnapped and sold the natives into slavery, he had his men kill them, and according to a Washington Post article, "through disease and warfare killed roughly half the population of Haiti". That's millions of people!


So why is Columbus Day a Federal Holiday?  Apparently it was a political decision and no one in Washington DC today cares enough to try and repeal it. (They probably are glad to get the day off).


But you don't have to celebrate Christopher Columbus, celebrate something else.

"Berkeley, California, replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day in 1992 to honor the original inhabitants of the Caribbean islands where Columbus made landfall and ruled.  In 1989, South Dakota started calling the holiday Native American Day. Alabama celebrates a combination of Columbus Day and American Indian Heritage Day, and Hawaii calls it Discovery Day".


Or you could just go to work and sell cars and mattresses or rant like us !





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