What it comes days of the week, there's not a lot of room for playing favorites. One frequently hears great things about Friday, things you don't hear about other days except Saturday. Sunday rates highly, especially if you're religious; it has a serene significance. By turns, Monday is universally reviled but if the truth be told, most folks get reoriented and their sense of purpose reignited by the activities on that day.

But the question lingers: Aside from Monday, which day of the week is the absolute worst? In my world, there can be no doubt: Thursday is the pits. When I say that, I immediately hear college students and other doe-eyed innocents disagreeing. Their perception is so colored by Friday and the weekend that they can't understand how Thursday is more of an obstacle than a conduit to fun.

Let me explain. Each weekday seems to have a distinct purpose, a fairly well defined place in the cosmic functionality that is the workweek. Follow me here:

1. Monday is the start of the workweek a day where our minds are reoriented towards our mission. A much-needed jolt back to reality.
2. Tuesday is a recovery from the shock that is Monday.
3. Wednesday is the halfway point in the workweek, a shining light at noon which says you've made it. It's all downhill from here.
4. Friday (PARTAY)
5. Saturday (MO PARTAY)
6. Sunday (GROOVIN’) are well defined in most minds.

But what is Thursday's purpose? I simply cannot find one unless it’s “the day that stands in the way of the weekend.” If Wednesday is the celebratory halfway point it would seem that Friday's function as the end of the week would be amplified even more WITHOUT Thursday. And if you want to get up Thursday at the time I rise to get ready for the broadcast day, you should agree with my theory after just one morning.

I came upon this realization when I was first partnered with a very well-known radio personality on a morning show. Now I admit I am not a morning person. If you hear me chipper in the a.m. it's because I'm faking it. This fella on the other hand was complete Type A. Me, I'm mellow to begin with. Imagine someone amped up on coffee minus sleep versus someone who doesn't fake it as well after four days of reduced sleep and cheating the clock. Crankiness and verbal fights ensued. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, it just was the natural result of overwork and under-slumber.

Now I admit that I may be placing an unequal emphasis on personal experience versus empirical data re: effects of sleep deprivation. I’d love to hear your thoughts: what’s the worst day of the week and why? Thursday: am I right or am I wrong? Drop me a line.

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