Looking at this man's work, it occurred to me: radio people, we kinda got it easy. So, the other morning, coming out of the break, the main on air computer goes completely wacky and refuses to work, crashing live, catching us with our radio pants down around our radio ankles. We fumfurahhed on the air amongst ourselves until we got something playing on the air from our other hard drive, cursed off mic and called the engineer, who calmly helped us back to normal.

In radio, this is about as dangerous as the job gets, short of walking outside and finding a team of ninjas stealing your car.


And if our heads ever get too big, it's stories like that of Clark Little, professional surf photographer, that put our line of work in perspective. He's out there in the elements, capturing by sheer luck and skill some of the most breath taking wave photography you have ever seen in your life. Doing this, he could actually die. Meanwhile, us radio people, well, we said that funny thing that one time in between the John Parr song and that commercial about Saturday night at the rodeo.

But you still like us, right?

Uh, hello?


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