I know, the title to this piece is very subjective.  Why should my opinion be more important than yours, you might ask.  Well, besides the fact that I'm the one doing the writing, my other qualification is that I'm a social outcast.  It's a perk for growing up fat with a pepperoni face.  While the majority of you were out getting hands on experience at catching social diseases, I was at home watching movies.  All types of movies.  Now that you're older, possibly married and lonely, here are some movies you should be watching, if you haven't seen them already.

YouTube - best of Dr Lizardo Video
YouTube - best of Dr Lizardo Video

You'll easily recognize a good portion of the movies stars.  From star Peter Weller (Robo Cop), to arch villian John Lithgow, to Cowboy Jeff Goldblum, to the 80s hotness of Ellen Barkin, to the amazing Clancy Brown, who will get another mention later in the countdown.

The plot of movie is simply Buckaroo Banzai and his band, the Hong Kong Cavaliers, go toe-to-toe with alien invaders from the 8th dimension.  I mean come on!  How can you NOT watch that.  The true star of the piece though is John Lithgow.  His strange accent, giving himself electric shock via his tongue, and having trouble pronouncing one of the characters names,

"One more word out of you Big Booty..."

"Boo-ta TA TA TA!.


YouTube - Highlander Badass Video
YouTube - Highlander Badass Video

This gem came out in 1986 and starred Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery, but the movie was stolen by the aforementioned Clancy Brown.

Christopher Lambert is the Highlander, who comes back from the dead in his highland village.  They of course think he is evil, and banish him.  He is found by Sean Connery, who plays a Spanish character with a Scottish accent.  That alone should make you want to watch it.  Connery explains that the Highlander is part of a group of Immortals that have to battle to the last.  "There can be only one".  Clancy Brown rocks as Victor Krugan. This movie rivals "The Matrix" for having the worst sequels ever, but the original kicks enough ass for the rest.

YouTube - Original The Lost Boys Cry Little Sister Video
YouTube - Original The Lost Boys Cry Little Sister Video

This movie launched Kiefer Sutherland to the next level, and was the movie that made Vampires cool for my generation.  It also kicked off the careers of the Corey's.  That would be Corey Haim, and Corey Feldmen.  They're self destructive behavior made the rest of our lives livable because no matter how much you screwed up, you were better off than at least one of the Corey's.  The movie is just fun, and the grandfather steals the show with the movies final line.  Oh, and Jamie Gertz looks very good with painted on clothing.

YouTube - They Live Fight Scene Video
YouTube - They Live Fight Scene Video

This classic from 1988 is the Gold standard for Wrestlers.  At least it was until the Rock blew up.  It stars Rowdy Roddy Piper as a drifter who finds some sunglasses that allow him to see that aliens have invaded.

Great one liners, and a fight scene so epic that the creators of South Park copied it shot for shot when they animated their "cripple fight".


YouTube - Big Trouble in Little China Trailer
YouTube - Big Trouble in Little China Trailer

The movie with true "re-watch-ability".  This nugget of greatness re-teams John Carpenter and Kurt Russell, from "Escape From New York" fame.  Kurt plays a trucker who brings in a load to San Francisco's China Town.  He wins big from his buddy Wang , but on his way to get paid, his path crosses with Lo Pan, an ancient sorcerer, in search of a woman with green eyes.  It's a hell of a ride with a plethora of classic lines, and Kim Cattrall.  The perfect flick to watch any night of the week.  After all, its all in the reflexes.

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