I used to ride motorcycles. True they were old and slow, but it was the 70's and helmet were for the weak. I never got into jumping motorcycles though. By that time I was fat, and really, what was the point? So some putz could say..."man that fat kid can ride!". Thank you no, I'll just have some ice cream and a car please. But even back then, people seem to want to jump up. I think jumping down is even more insane.

Robbie “Maddo” Maddison and  Skullcandy teamed up to perform a record breaking jump. It happened at the Utah Olympic Park in Park City, Utah. Which Robbie drove all around while traveling to the ski jump area. Watch as Robbie tries to jump over 370 feet and drop down 185 feet. That’s over 18 stories, and a world record. Hell, people do it on ski's all the time. Don't they?

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