Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice... and I'll be ignoring all your winter weather advisories moving forward.  For the second time in as many months Central Texans battened down the hatches for a winter storm that never came.

I bet with all that snow in the bed of my truck, my gas mileage is really gonna suffer. Photo by Jamie Garrett
I bet with all that snow in the bed of my truck, my gas mileage is really gonna suffer. Photo by Jamie Garrett

I'm an admitted weather nerd, and I live for spring storms and winter weather.  If there's a chance of a drop of ice I'm glued to the Weather Channel from beginning to end.  Once again, however, I've been left disappointed by a no-show of a winter storm.  Last month we were warned to prepare for the end-of-days, but instead we got an annoying cold rain.  Scary.

This latest storm promised the coldest temps we've seen in several years, and this was a no-brainer of a weather "event" according to the experts.  Again... no-show.  I'm not saying I want all the headaches that come with the kids getting out of school and roads being dicey.  I would like at least once for a winter storm to deliver.  When you look at the pictures I took in my front yard in Temple and compare them with the pics taken by Vince Richards in the DFW area, it's a slap to the face.

Now THAT'S more like it. A shot from the DFW area shows exactly what I was hoping to see when I woke up Friday morning. Photo by Vince Richards.
Now THAT'S more like it. A shot from the DFW area shows exactly what I was hoping to see when I woke up Friday morning. Photo by Vince Richards.

Everyone from basically Hillsboro and up got walloped.  We got the cold.  We got the precipitation.  Yet, somehow, against everything I learned in science class, that precipitation wasn't frozen.  Once again schools and businesses began cancelling classes left and right, but once again they were left to feel foolish because of the winter weather that never showed.

It's not like this would have even been an enjoyable weekend to be at the house, but I still wanted the Ice-Pocalypse to hit.  I didn't stock up on food.  I didn't get any extra firewood.  I didn't cancel plans.  I didn't even give my "be ready for anything" speech to the staff up here at the radio station.  I was hoping my total lack of preparation would have prompted Mom Nature to hit me upside the head with a dose of "I told you so", but I got nothin'.

I'm constantly seeing posts on Facebook today from my friends in Dallas and Oklahoma about how terrible the conditions are, yet all I can think is, "Lucky".  I know you think I'm crazy.  What can I say?  I'm a weather nerd.  I know there's an alleged rain dance, but does anybody have the secret to a good Snow Dance?


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