"I dunno. That one, by that guy, always wore a shirt?" The number one question I get, besides "why are you still on the air?" has always been "what is your favorite song?" Ya see, I never, ever have an answer at the ready, because my taste is so scattered, all over everywhere, across every type of music. Seriously THIS:


-is what I have to think through to get the right answer to you. So, in the spirit of all my other Fave Fives, here in no particular order, is a look at five songs that I find really super swell. Today it's, wait for it, Number Five.

First up, what my lovely wife calls "Loser Rock." It's Rush, and "The Spirit Of Radio." It's everything I feel about the medium in which I toil, summed up in one of the most concise lyrics in Rush's career. One day, the women in my life will understand. Right now, they just think daddy's a bald hobo manchild with boring musical taste.


These lyrics, they get me, man:

"Invisible airwaves crackle with life
Bright antennae bristle with the energy
Emotional feedback on timeless wavelength
Bearing a gift beyond price, almost free"

I mean, yeah, that's how I feel everyday, when I stand behind that K1017 Console; it's like I'm piloting a ship, cutting through those invisible airwaves, sailing through through people's lives, brightening THEIR mornings.

Try telling that to my daughter.

She does not get Rush.
She does not get Rush.

"All this machinery making modern music
Can still be open-hearted
Not so coldly charted it's really just
A question of your honesty, yeah, your honesty."

Those words...more meaningful then they were thirty five years ago. In these days of the auto tuned and mechanized corporate driven vanilla gruel that oozes out of our radios on a daily basis, a yearn for music that comes from an organic well of ideas and feeling is needed more now than ever! We just need to introduce the younger generations to...the...oh no...

So, here you go, the first of Dave's Five Fave Songs!

P.S: Find a list of the Top Ten NERDIEST Rush songs HERE!

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