If you haven't heard, Bruce Springsteen and his 123 member band/army are currently shredding their way through Australia and New Zealand. Now, if you know anything about Bruce, you know he's musically avaricious, soaking in any and all musical tastes, and pushing them out through his heart, soul and sweaty man face into the earholes of his adoring concert audiences. No setlist is set in stone for Bruce. One of the reasons his shows can stretch up to four hours in fist pumping, sweaty vocal shredding length.

His current trek is no exception.

Sure there's the expected covers of old classics. Your Isley Brothers:



Your Motown:



However, since he's down under, Mr. Springsteen has taken it on himself to add some local flavor, and the results have been spectacular.


We gotcher AC/DC:



An INXS cover of a song near and dear to myself, and most Aussies:



(dig that comment at the end of "Born To Run." Bruce can be funny. Who Knew?)


Even the Easybeats:



and, yes, Lorde:



So, summing up, let's have a massive round of applause and a nice long volley of "BROOOOOCE", shall we? He's old enough to be your grandpa and he's still out there, rocking, rolling and whatnot.

As long as he doesn't cover Bieber.

Then he'd be dead to me.



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