Killeen Police were called to a Dollar General store Sunday afternoon after a woman was shot. Our news partner KWTX reported:

Imagine being in a grocery store or convenient store shopping when suddenly you're in imminent danger. It's a crazy world we live in, and I don't ever want to imagine that happening. At the same time, if it did I'd want to be prepared, not to meet my maker but to allow someone coming to do me harm to go first.

I hope the store doesn't stay closed too long. Whether we like it or not, there are people in the store who rely on the jobs they currently have to place food on their tables. A closed store means a part-time employee is facing adversity.  I don't understand why no one realizes this when something like a shooting happens at the store. So many people want to build monuments and tear down places where evil things happened that they forget who depends on these places for their livelihood. As far as I'm concerned, opening a store and pretending nothing ever happened is the biggest affront to an attention-seeking criminal lowlife.

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