A Midway Middle School student passed out hundreds of post it notes during exams week to try and help pass along a positive vibe as they wrap up the school year.

Olivia Focarile is in seventh grade. She said that so many of her classmates have been so nice to her this school year that she wanted to return the favor.

In all, Olivia wrote some 1,500 messages to her classmates. Words of encouragement like "you are awesome", "the force is strong with you", and "you are one smart cookie". She said the whole process took about 4 hours to write the notes, and another two hours to pass them out and post them to students lockers.

Olivia said "I just like seeing smiles on everyone's faces and it makes me happy."

It's great to see our young people encouraging one another in such a positive way. Great job, Olivia!


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