Hey Der,

It seems I've got 2 days off in a row.  Not holding my breath for this to happen though,been in this trade for too long.  If a computer craps out, or something else goes wrong I'll be in, but I was told to try to be more positive so here it goes.

Growing up, we had a tradition on Christmas Eve.  All the kids would have to produce a "program".  That is to say, we had to put on a play.  We would re-enact the birth of Jesus, if we had a kid who was young enough.  Or we would make the fat kid (me) play Santa, and pass out gifts while others sang Christmas songs.  I'm sure the idea was to make us appreciate the bounty that was about to befall us. But, I don't know if that came across when we were doing it.  As I got older, it was just as much fun to watch the little kids open their gifts as it was receiving them.  So that might have been the secret all along...Adults trying to celebrate Christmas vicariously through eyes of children.

Christmas Tree
iStockPhoto - 78529415

Have a Merry and safe Christmas everyone.  I hope you get what you want, and see who you want to see.  Enjoy the egg nog, and don't let the missile toe get you arrested.

Chat with you on Thursday.  Again, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

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