It's hard to believe there was a world in existence that didn't have Cheeseburgers in it, but

No wonder we slipped into a depression

the "cheeseburger" didn't start showing up until the 1920's. No wonder we slipped into a depression.

They're many who claim to invented the beef & cheese concoction. Starting with one Lionel Sternberger, who is reputed to have invented the cheeseburger in 1926 while working at his father’s Pasadena, California sandwich shop, “The Rite Spot”.

Kaelin's Restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky claim they did it first in 1934. While Louis Ballast, of the Humpty Dumpty Drive-in, from Denver was actually awarded a trademark for the name "Cheeseburger" in 1935.

Personally, I don't how, or who, just as long as it never goes away. Happy National Cheeseburger Day my friends.

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