Every once in awhile something that James Harrison talks about catches me off guard a little bit.  He just told me to be on the look out while I am broadcasting live [Shameless Plug Alert] from Cheeves tonight (Wednesday) from 5pm - 7pm  for someone to help with the Chicken Chasing Contest at Holland Corn Fest.

Since I am not exactly sure what this is, I let him know if I see anyone in overalls with chicken droppings on them, that I would surely send them his way.

Well, it's official. I am armed with his business cards so that if I happen to cross paths with anyone with that description I will be able to provide them with his cell phone number so they can call him continuously throughout the day and night.

For those of you, like myself, that didn't have a clue what it was that he was talking about I have found a video that hopefully helps explain what's happening.

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