"YER TEARING ME APAWT, LITHA!"  Okay, since it's Thanksgiving and all, I thought I'd quickly introduce you to the biggest cinematic gobbler of the last decade, The Room. Writer/Director/Star Tommy Wiseau has an accent of indeterminate origin, can't decide what emotion he's attempting, sometimes in a single sentence, there's a weird love for tossing the pigskin around, random spoon displays, a sex scene that gets repeated, exactly the same scene, twice, characters who appear randomly out of nowhere, Suit Fu, chicken impersonating, and some of the most badly written, atrociously delivered, completely out of nowhere bonkers dialogue you have ever heard.

Oh, hai, The Room.

and here's Everything Wrong With It...

This movie opened and closed in two weeks. Then the word of his awfulness spread, and, bam, quicker than you can say, Oh, Hai,  Midnight Movie, people are dressing up as characters, reciting dialogue and, yes, throwing spoons at the screen.


So there you are, a real turkey for your Thanksgiving. And remember, when you sit down at the table, make sure to puzzle everybody else by saying, "Oh, hai, ------" to everything on the table. Do it for the holiday. Do it...for Tommy.

P.S: Speaking of idiots, Scott "Arms Wide Open Cos I Love You This Much" Stapp from the band Creed has officially hit the skids. Read the story HERE!


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