Attention film fans, this is for you!  If you look over at your handy calender and you're into films that don't feature talking turtles or things going BLAMMO! a tide of new fall/winter films are about to hit your nearest grown up cinema-tech or internet film queue.

Not that there's anything wrong with karate chopping trash talking live action turtles.



So here for your perusement are Five Films...IN ADVANCE!!!!



Nick Broomfield is a noted documentarian with the habit of inserting himself into his own films. Past topics have included the relationship of Kurt Cobain Courtney Love, man killer Aileen Wuornos, you know, light entertainment. His latest digs into the case of the notorious serial killer known as the Grim Sleeper, who terrorized South Central Los Angeles over a span of twenty-five years. Gritty watching.


Oh boy oh boy. How does one describe a gold obsessed wack-a-doo Asian Gangster rap musical? Uh, have a gander at this:

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Back down here on earth, Bill Murray goes the Walter Matthau route and played a trashed drunk wreck of a human striking up a reluctant relationship with a young kid. Mellisa McCarthy is the kid's mom. Naomi Watts is an immigrant stripper. The trailer looks much better than the premise sounds:



And for all you Harry Potter fans, howz about Daniel Radcliffe with Horns?



And, coming in here at the end of our survey. check out former Batman Michael Keaton twisting around in something kinda like his own personal experience seen through a prism of utter nutbaggery, including a girl fight with Ed Norton and his underwear.

So there you go! This fall, seek out something wacky! Happy viewing!

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