High water in the Houston, Texas area caused a sudden evacuation of many neighborhoods that resulted in several pets getting left behind. When a Father and Son from Brazoria, Texas got word of this, they quickly knew what needed to be done. They jumped in their boat and started navigating these flooded neighborhoods after hearing the stories of animals forced to fend for themselves.

At each stop along the way, the father and son would find a dog or two in one house, then two or three more in the next. Before long this little Texas Arc had managed to pick up some 40 dogs after 1 days work.

The dogs are being cared for by the local SPCA, who uses social media posts like the one above to help reunite these animals with their owners. So far it's reported that about a third of the animals have been claimed by the families who lost them during the evacuations.

It's one more great reason to love living in the Lone Star state. People who care, helping their friends, neighbors, and even pets in time of need. While the names of the individuals who saved the dogs are not made public in the post by Fido4ever, we certainly thank them for the special service they provided. We know all the canines do as well.

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