That big, empty building on the intersection of West Central Avenue and South 31st Street will be empty no more. If you've driven in Temple odds are you've seen this Walgreens-looking building completely unused for over a year. After Walgreens made the decision not to open their store in Temple, it's been a guessing game of what business will occupy it.

The answer is an emergency care unit known as Express ER.

While specific details are still unknown, we do know this company will have a staff of experienced, board- certified doctors and is scheduled to open early-to-mid-summer. One of the partners, Dan Akers, is excited to to come back to Temple having lived in the city during his residency.

"We like that area in Temple. It's in a good location and is about a mile away from Scott & White," said Akers. "Temple needs an alternative for healthcare."

More information and events leading up to the opening will be announced in the coming months.

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