New movie coming out. Dave in The cave's son is really really excited about it. And so is Dave...for now.

"Yes. I am very excited to read stuff."
"Yes. I am very excited to read stuff."

My kid, you may have heard me talking about him on our Poor Excuse For A Morning Show. We read to him every night. Work with him every night. As i did with his older sister. I mean, she loves reading. She loves a good trip to the bookstore. So it would follow that whatever strategy that worked with her, would work with him. HAHA. So, far it's been a struggle, my brothers and sisters. To use an understatement.


I discovered this book in the library. As a big fan of the author previous satirical cartoon books, I gave Adam Rex's first novel a try with my boy. It was very difficult to gauge his reaction, as he spent most of reading time chasing the dog around the bed rather than listening to me read. It's like reading to a hummingbird. Or so I thought. Also the book, after a great first set of chapters, got bogged down in adding characters and backstory and just sort of stalled out halfway through. So that was that. On to the next book.

Then, one Saturday afternoon, a trailer appeared before us.

...and my son came straight up off his sit upon. "THAT'S THE BOOV BOOK DADDY! THAT'S THE BOOK WE WERE READING!!!" As the little boy confetti settled, he switched into countdown mode...for nine months. Was he actually listening the whole time I was reading? Will he make a connection between the wonders of a big screen hoop de hoo and the equal pleasures of reading? I certainly hope so. Probably not. Perhaps this will be the fire under the rocket that sends him into book land, where his sister firmly resides. *sigh*

We'll see. Home opens this Friday.

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