Oh my goodness, kids, what a crazy year 1988 has been so far, eh? Whew, right? I mean, a dozen eggs costs 65 cents and a postage stamp costs a whopping 24 cents? Crazy! And who can believe that Benazir Bhutto has been elected to be Prime Minister of Pakistan? Who saw that coming? Let's check out the top of the pop charts for today, in 1988, kay?


Coming in at number five, moving a couple of notches from where it was last week, not quite sure cos I wasn't really paying attention, it's that band of wacky scumbags from the streets of Los Angelas, Guns And Roses. The ladies love this song and I bet this band will never break apart in bitterness and acrimony and the lead singer will go so far up his own butt he'll take twenty three years before releasing an album and by that time actually weigh the same as two or three people. That'll never happen.

Next up on our survey, it's a groovy little bit of fun that will probably be forgotten in a few weeks and not beaten into the subconscious of future generations via endless mattress commercials, so much so that the singer would refuse to go anywhere near it. Ha ha.

Coming in at number three on countdown, is everybody's favorite Ocean, notching higher on our survey than the Atlantic or the Pacific. Let's all put on our swim fins and snorkels and take a splash in the Ocean Of Billy. Here's "Get Out Of My Dreams. Get Into My Car" a song totally not about kidnapping a prostitute and shoving her in the trunk of your Toyota Tercel. Nope.


And that brings us all the way up to number two on our look at the biggest hits for this week...sort of...not really...of 1988. Moving into our number two slot, it's a long distance dedication from Ed "The Zima King" Drinzel to his childhood pet Snootz, a brown quarter horse with a big fluffy tail and a permanent case of horribly debilitating vertigo. "I miss you, my big horsey faced friend, and I'm sorry my family had to eat you that one winter when things got really tough in Dothan, Alabama." Here's Debbie  Gibson at number three, with "Foolish Beat."

Now, we come to the number one song on our survey. It's a song a big hit movie starring that one short whose name escapes me but my kids tell me he's just super. It's by an act who a lot of people thought were all dead, an act who've notched an incredible mumblety mumble big hits on our countdown. Also, John Stamos is totally rocking the hot pink Zee Cabarichi's in this. At number one...it's the %$#@! Beach Boys...and "Kokomo."

And that's 1988 summed up for you. Hope you enjoyed it.  Up next, it's Julia Conner and her Fabulous Feats Of Frivolity. Stay tuned.

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