Remember the days of salami sandwiches, potato chips and warm milk in your lunchbox?  Well I do because that is what I took to school for lunch almost everyday in my ballerina lunch box, (We had five kids and one working parent, so we just had generic lunch boxes). 


I am taking you down memory lane because today is 'Pack Your Lunch' Day.  For me that usually means bringing a protein shake or a TV dinner.


Just pick one!/Photo by Julia Conner
Just pick one!/Photo by Julia Conner


Sometimes I get the hankering for a salami sandwich, but nowadays it's turkey salami on lo-cal bread with mustard and Miracle Whip Light.  It's just not the same as the fa tladen sandwich from back in the day, and I was skinny then too!


Photo by Julia Conner
Photo by Julia Conner


When I was little I did eat in the cafeteria on hamburger day, pizza day and chicken fried steak day. Those homemade butter yeast rolls were delicious.  Fridays we always had ice cream for dessert, but it wasn't worth having to get through the salmon cakes first.


But you know back then, teachers didn't care if you ate the lunch or not.  You could just eat the ice cream if you wanted too. Unfortunately you would be starving in about half an hour.


School lunches these days are supposed to be healthy and you know what that means, taste flies out the window!  Watch as some grownups try out some of today's public school lunches.



What happened to dessert?  We used to have those Chinese Chews cookie bars, apple pie, peach cobbler, giant cookies, cake, and of course  ice cream.  Now they get fruit or nothing!  What a shame. The government has ruined school lunches with all this healthiness crap.


Oh for the good ole days of Ronald Reagan when ketchup was considered a vegetable!








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