Hey Gang,

Found our back door open this morning when I got to work, which is strange, because people who work here are a paranoid bunch and they like working with the back entrance locked.  Turns out our front door, which is made of glass, was shattered over the weekend.  It leads to the question, bullet or rock?

Broken Glass Door
Big Q Phone

Now I'm no way qualified to come to any conclusions, because I f***ed around too much in science class to be honest, but, the alleged projectile only broke through the first pain of the two, and I can see no fragment lying in-between the glass.  But, then again, I can't get too close because I'm not allowed near it.

Broken Window
Big Q Phone

I did do a walk around,(PHRASING), and I didn't find any projectiles on the sidewalk.  We do have a camera system inside, but we have to wait for our chief engineer to get in.  He's the one that has the hamster food to feed the hamster that runs the Betamax machine that records the camera.  If we have enough coins to pay for a Wizard to cast a spell to put the video on a hard drive, then I'll post it for you in a follow up.

Some of the response around the station includes..."I feel safer working in Killeen".  I don't know what that means, and; "This is what you get when you don't play request."  Too that my only response is, I have not, and will not ever play any Donny Osmond.  Deal with it!

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