Oh, back in the eighties, folks in the music biz needed to get the ladies into the hard rock they were pushing. How to to do that? Simple: POWER BALLAD! Oh my yes, you want the women to spend their hard earned cash on your tunes? You need skinny cute dudes sweating their way through a huge, MY FEELINGS ARE SO HUGE RIGHT NOW LOVE SONG. The guys who were normally this type of music's bread and butter could sit this one out, usually with their arms crossed while the lady they went to the concert with vibrated next to them while singing her girl lungs out.


Alright, I guess I'm a big girl then, cos on a recent trip home with the Monster Ballads c.d. cranked to a ridiculous level, I was yarbling right along. Embarrassingly so. And among those tunes, this song stood out. There's something real going on here, something earthy, something sincere that Warrant or Slaughter could never come close to. Those bands big ballads seemed like pat practiced words whispered to the girl of the day while ruffling for birth control in their back pocket.


This band hails from Sacramento, are beloved to this day like giants in the Midwest and their native California, and took this song all the way to number ten in the fall of 1989, making this their biggest, most enduring hit.

And also it's your K-101.7 SONG OF THE DAY!

P.S: Tesla are currently on tour with Def Leppard and will be in Austin in August. Find out more about that HERE!

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