You know what's better than one bit of entertainment? Two of them mashed together! C'mon! The kids love it!How about a tv show and a movie mashed together? #Genius! Like for instance, Parks And Rec and The New Jurassic Park! It's two Chris Pratts in one! Behold


Speaking of Spielberg, you know what would have made Raiders Of The Lost Ark better? PUPPIES!

Did you know the Shining was a spritely family comedy? Oh, that Jack! What a scamp!

And of course, Mary Poppins was a deeply disturbing horror movie:

And, wrapping up, a couple from the folks over at The Huffington Post are masters at the art of SuperCuts, such as this run-through of Let Her Go!

and, finally, my favorite, the always majestic, much revered comedic trope, THE SPIT TAKE!

P.S: Speaking of movie cliches, dontcha love it when, in order to establish a characters bad ass bonafides, they cue up that one stupid song on the soundtrack? Me, too. Check out a mashup of Bad To The Bone moments HERE!


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