Okay, everybody else in the world, I've never seen an episode of Game Of Thrones. I don't even have HBO or have the time to wade through all the seasons out there on the digital or DVD platforms. So, for folks like me, the folks at Screencrush have tossed together a quick character catch-me-up!


Near as I can tell there's a made up land of Westeros or something? And it's populated by nasty awful people who escape their possibly nerdly origins by getting buck naked at the drop of a hat when they're not busy trying to poison, stab or fill each other full of arrows. And the guy who always dies in movies, Sean Bean, surprised everybody by...dying. Also there are dragons and the occasional exploding head. Also the guy from Superdog and Elf is the most liked character, Peter Something-or-Other? The guy Liz Lemon mistook for a little boy in that one episode of Thirty Rock. Now that was a great show, Thirty Rock. Games Of Thrones would be a bit better if Alec Baldwin and Tracey Morgan were in it, I think. Or Jimmy Fallon.

So, if you are like me and lost when confronted by the 7654 characters in your given episode of Thrones, and really want to jump on the everybody-else-is-watching it bandwagon, dig now the exhaustive 150 character rundown courtesy of our good friends over at Screencrush. Cos, also there apparently walkers in this show, just like that other show everybody but me is watching. So confusing.

Click the pic below and learn some stuff and I'll see you in Westeros. I'm opening up a 7-11 franchise there.  The Slurpees are coming. Or...whatever.



P.S: We review movies over there on The Youtube. Check out our review of Furious Seven HERE!

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