If you're listening to K-1017 in the morning, you've probably got some good memories that translate into music--the music you were listening when all of these songs were new. So now we want to know, what's your favorite Summer Song?

James Harrison's favorite Summer Song is 'Summer in the City' by the Lovin' Spoonful. He walks through the halls at the K-1017 studio singing it nonstop. Which would be great, if he could actually sing.  (And plus he sings this song in December.)

So, we want to know what your favorite Summer Song is.  Our Summer Song request series is going on now right now. We're getting a lot of response already and we want to hear from you, too. Your song doesn't have to include the word "Summer," in the title, but it should be one that reminds you of your fondest summertime fun.

Enter your Summer Song request below, or call 254-742-2665//866-501-1017 and make your request now.


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