It seems I am slightly behind the bell curve on the social media experience.  Facebook has been my crutch for a few years now since I have converted from MySpace.  However now I am discovering that all famous people are engaging in Twitter Wars.

Rowdy Sharp - B106
Rowdy Sharp - B106

If I want to be famous then perhaps the best way to progress down that path is to start a Twitter War of my own.

However, it seems that before it is possible to engage into a proper twitter war, I need to generate some followers.  I could follow suit of some of my co-workers (not naming names *cough* Big Q *cough*) and create multiple social media accounts, or I could reach out to our loyal listeners and ask politely to follow me, B106, and like our Facebook pages.  To make this as easy as possible here are links to each…


Now that the unpleasant part of asking you to ‘follow’ me is out of the way, it’s time to pick a fight to grow into an epic Twitter war of unparalleled intensity.

Those of you that have taken the time to follow me already sit back and enjoy…

For those of you that haven’t, you are missing out, but here is some of the most famous of Twitter Wars…  Second only to the one that I am about to start…

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