Fourteen years later, the events of 9/11 loom large. My friend Brian, an engineer in the world of electrical power, posted a pic with this caption earlier today:

I climbed to the top of the Brooklyn Bridge and took this picture around August 27, 2001, just days before 9-11.


We all have that friend who doesn't give two cents about rules or civil ordinances.That's why we have shots like this one, of a moment in time before the whole damn world changed forever. Still shots where he can say his face and feet were at that time and place. Never to be duplicated again:  nowadays, he'd be whisked away and charged with a federal offense. And of course, those two towers are no longer there.

In their place is a gleaming new Manhattan tower. And on top of it is a piece of electrical equipment which powers the new tower that Brian had a hand in creating:

"I signed the transformer we made here in Bland that is now at the top of the Freedom Tower."

Like I said, we are all connected to that time and place in one way or another.

PHOTO: Copyright (C) 2001 Brian J. Akers. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

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