
Amazing Slight of Hand
Amazing Slight of Hand
Amazing Slight of Hand
In case you missed Ellen this passed week, she introduced us to British Magician Andrew Kelly.  He has some amazing slight of hand skills. I've lost count on how many times I've watched this, and I can't see him make his switches.  See if you can.Plus he made Ellen make this face.
Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes
The Oscars are long and boring, most of the time.  Too many awards, that the majority of us could give two slices of cheese about, are passed out during the broadcast.  That makes all the fluff, which we might enjoy more if we weren't waiting for the big awards to be passed out before Monday arrives, seem unnecessary.  Ellen, who truly is a fantastic host, showed us some of the behind the scenes a
Tables Get Turned On Ellen
Tables Get Turned On Ellen
Tables Get Turned On Ellen
Jennifer Aniston co-hosted the Ellen Show yesterday.  One of the guest was Ellen's wife Portia de Rossi, who's starring in the Netflix series "Arrested Development".  Here's the video in case you missed it.