Hey Gang,

Good news, I don't have to change my name to Big Blind Q.  Went for an eye test on Wednesday, and I can see fine...As long as you're not standing right in front of me.

I've reached the bi-focal age.  I really don't know how I can see fine up-close without my specs, but can't focus with my glasses on.

Big Q Eye Test
Big Q Photo's

I went through all the tests, including the air in the eye, and after 5 years my vision has stayed about the same.  Except for the inability to read words.  In any other situation I'd just let that go and put another DVD in the machine, but since I need to read for my job, I had to go with a new pair of glasses with a bi-focal line.

Big Q Photo's

It might be sign of age to some, but to me, a receding hair line, and an urge to reach for the "blue" pills on a date are more a sign of age than reading glasses.  To me, reading glasses, or bi-focal's are just an indicator that your smart.  Or trying to look like you are.

I will official start "looking" smart in 7 to 10 days.

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