Everyone loves a good prank. Unless you're the one getting pranked, then not so much.

Peter Poop popped up again

We start our prank out at the pumpkin patch. How scary can a pumpkin patch be? Depends if you know the story of Peter Poop the Pumpkin Eater.

Peter was a practical joker with a penchant for popping up from behind pre-placed props in the pumpkin patches.

In 1978 the people of Pittson Pennsylvania felt like they'd put up enough of Peter Poop popping up from the pumpkin patch. To prove to Peter that enough was enough they burned down the pumpkin patch the night before Halloween. They wanted Peter to see they were seriously done with the pumpkin pop ups.

What they didn't know was that Peter preferred to prepare his pop ups by spending the night in the pumpkin patch. It turned out the people of Pittson Pennsylvania burn Peter Poop alive. They all thought he got fed up with the lack of a sense of humor it Pittson, so he left town. But, the next year, when people visited the new Pumpkin Patch, Peter Poop popped up again.

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