There are few wrestling stories during WrestleMania season as widely discussed as WWE Hall of Fame snubs. Every year, the WWE names about five former greats in the business to induct and every year the fans scream about classic wrestlers who didn't make the cut.

Hulk Hogan's thoughts on the subject aren't much different than the average fan's, but since he's one of the reasons WrestleMania exists, his words may carry quite a bit more weight. Despite what was apparently a decade long rift between the 'Mega Powers', Hulk Hogan wants to induct the late, great, Macho Man Randy Savage into the WWE Hall of Fame.

“I’ve heard all these urban legends about Randy doing something to piss Vince off," said Hogan in an interview with Fighting Spirit Magazine. "I’ve heard two or three different stories, and I don’t know if any of those are true, but he deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, and I would love to be the one that inducts him. I’ve got a speech for him ready to go. I just think it’s a must that he’s in the Hall of Fame; he was so influential in this business, especially in the WWF, and in my career."

Like most wrestling fans, I've been holding out hope that Vince would announce Savage ever since Macho Man's passing in 2011, and hopefully Hogan being so public about his feelings will lead to Macho Man headlining the Hall of Fame class of 2014 right before  WrestleMania 30. It will be cool to see 'The Madness' getting his due, and Hulk Hogan doing something with WWE again.

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