This was kind of a revelation.  Jerry Seinfeld has been quietly amassing a reputation as a bit of a misanthrope, a witheringly sarcastic dis-liker of all things petty, annoying and above all, human. It takes a visit with a former co-star to peel that prickly veneer back...a bit.

via Crackle
via Crackle

"I’ll Go If I Don’t Have To Talk." - Julia-Louis Dreyfus

Julia-Louis Dreyfus reminds me a lot of my sister. Which is appropriate when it comes to the season premiere of Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee, as the very brother/sister relationship between Seinfeld and Julia, at times warm and nostalgic, pries open the withering, judgmental casing that modern day Jerry comes wrapped in, revealing the actual 'big brother' beneath. Something only a close family member could accomplish.

“I think you can be nice." she tells him. "You’re nicer than Hitler,” Then the story of the time she was pregnant on the set of “Seinfeld” comes out, and Dreyfus remembers that Seinfeld suggested they deal with on the show by just saying that her character just gets fat, Dreyfus recalling,  "I immediately burst into tears. It was like a death sentence.” And then to Jerry, “You have no interpersonal communication skills.” Which is followed by a phone call to Jerry's wife in which she thanks her for training Seinfeld on how to be a human.

It's all pretty amazing. Check it out.

And while you are here, have a look at this thing we did:


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